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Tackle Clutter for Good!

By Tailored by Woodhill - 7-31-2023

At Tailored, we work with you to create the home that you want and need. For many, a big need is storage. We can almost never have enough storage spaces, can we? But what can you do when your storage spaces aren’t enough? What can you do when clutter seems to be taking over? Tackling clutter around your home can feel overwhelming, but with a systematic approach and some organization tips, you can effectively declutter and create a more organized living space. Here’s how you can tackle clutter once and for all.

Start with a Plan

Decide which area of your home you want to declutter first and create a decluttering plan. Set specific goals and prioritize areas based on their level of clutter or importance. Breaking up decluttering into manageable pieces can help you not become overwhelmed.

Sort Items Into Categories

As you declutter, sort items into categories such as keep, donate, sell, and toss. This will help you make decisions about what to keep and what to let go of more easily.

One Area at a Time

Focus on one room or small area at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Complete the decluttering process in that space before moving on to the next.

Be Honest

When deciding whether to keep an item, ask yourself if you have used or needed it in the past year. If not, consider letting it go.

Use the 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule suggests that we use 20% of our belongings 80% of the time. Be mindful of this principle when decluttering and consider whether you really need the remaining 80%.

Create Designated Storage Spaces

Assign specific places for different categories of items, and make sure to put things back in their designated spots after use.

Use Storage Solutions

Invest in storage solutions like baskets, bins, shelves, and organizers to help keep items organized and reduce clutter.

Practice the "One In, One Out" Rule

For each new item you bring into your home, try to let go of one similar item. This helps maintain a balanced level of belongings.

Tackle Paper Clutter

Set up a filing system for important documents and shred or recycle unnecessary papers regularly.

Get the Whole Family Involved

If you live with others, encourage everyone to participate in decluttering and maintaining an organized home.

Set Aside Time for Decluttering

Schedule regular decluttering sessions in your calendar to keep clutter from building up.

Remember, the goal of decluttering is not to have a perfectly minimalistic home, but rather to create a living space that is organized, functional, and brings you a sense of peace and comfort. Celebrate your progress along the way, and don't be discouraged by occasional setbacks. Happy decluttering!

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