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Existing Homes vs Custom Homes - Which is a Better Buy

By Tailored by Woodhill - 12-17-2021

Buying a home is an exhilarating prospect. You are probably already daydreaming about all the things you want in a home, and ways that you can make it your own. But what kind of home will be more in line with your wants and needs? Afterall, there are many types of homes on the market, from older fixer uppers to custom built ones. Both older homes and custom-built homes have their own advantages, which is why it can be hard to decide which option is right for you. Here are a few things to consider when deciding between the two.


One of, if not the most important thing to consider when home shopping is your budget. Generally, existing homes are going to be cheaper than custom built homes. But that does not necessarily mean that they will be cheaper in the long run. What you save in the initial sale price you may end up paying in renovations or repairs, and sometimes sooner than you may have anticipated. With a custom home, everything is new. Sooner or later, things wear out and break down, but when you buy new, you can have peace of mind knowing that that day is farther in the future.


Hopping off of our last point, the amount of maintenance you want to do is also something to consider. An existing home is likely going to require more maintenance and sooner than with a custom home. Getting a thorough home inspection before purchasing is one way to make sure that you are not met with big surprises, but it is not a guarantee. Big ticket items on a custom home, however, will not give you trouble for many years. Think water heaters, roofs, and electrical.


Often what makes us fall in love with a house is how it looks. With both types of homes, you will be getting something different in terms of aesthetic. Older homes have history. Many have thoughtful details, like wainscotting and hardwood floors. A vintage look with history is something you can only get with the passage of time. If that describes your style, an existing home may be right for you. A custom home, on the other hand, will have a more modern and chic aesthetic. Modern floor plans, modern appliances, and modern fixtures. Not to mention that when you work with a custom home builder, you get to select the details that fit your aesthetic the best.

As you can see, both existing homes and custom homes have their benefits. If you have asked yourself these questions and have decided that a custom home sounds right for you, give Tailored by Woodhill Homes a call! We would love to help you build your dream home.

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