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Turn Your Home Into a Hygge Hideaway

By Tailored by Woodhill - 1-26-2023

At Tailored by Woodhill, we want your home to be everything you need and want it to be. That’s why we offer a custom experience in the first place! During the dreary, cold months, families need their homes to provide warmth and comfort. The Danes have a term for this. It is called Hygge.

The Danish believe in enjoying each season for what it offers, and that’s how hygge was born. Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah), is a concept that places emphasis on slowing down, being warm, cozy, and recharging. If you want to bring a little hygge into your home this Winter, here are some ways to do it.

Lighting Is Key

When creating a cozy, warm space, lighting plays a huge role. When thinking about lighting for the purpose of hygge, steer clear of brash overhead lighting. Vintage lamps often offer gently diffused lighting. Or perhaps a few thoughtfully placed under cabinet lights will give you the discreet, soft lighting you are after. And of course, you cannot forget the romantic draw of candlelight. Think warm amber instead of bright white when choosing the bulbs for your lighting as well.

Bring In Texture

Hygge is also about relaxation. When choosing a color scheme for your hygge hideaway, neutrals can help encourage calm and peace. But neutrals do not have to be one note. Bringing in some natural elements will offer the space texture. Think warm wood furniture, wool blankets, leather accents. A faux fur rug can provide a lush ground for your feet. And draping the windows with delicate lace curtains will add airiness and allow the gentle rays of sunshine in.

Designate One Space as Your Cozy Nook

Of course, your entire home does not have to embody the idea of hygge, (unless you want it to!) Why not just start small by creating a designated cozy nook first? This could simply be a comfy recliner or accent chair that is bedecked with luscious blankets, access to books, and candles. It can be a space where family members or guests can bundle up and settle in for a relaxing moment.

And there you have it. With the help of lighting, texture, and designated spaces, you can create a thoughtful hygge hideaway in your home.

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