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Professional Numbers Every Homeowner Should Have

By Tailored by Woodhill - 10-25-2022

Every homeowner knows that emergencies can strike in an instant. When things leak or break without warning, it's important to know who to call for help. That’s why we want to share with you the professional numbers you should have in your contacts before an emergency strikes.


When your roof is in disrepair, it can lead to rotting and structural damage rather quickly. Which is exactly why you need to have a trusted roofer in your contacts. After a big storm it is common for roofs to have missing or loose shingles. Establish a good relationship with your roofer and keep your roof in good condition by making it a practice to have a professional come out and inspect your roof after a major storm.


Plumbing issues are among the scariest of home emergencies. Because when a plumbing emergency strikes, time is truly of the essence. Which is exactly why you don't want to be shopping around for a plumber in the heat of the moment. It’s much more beneficial to establish a good relationship with your plumber of choice before an emergency arises. Ask friends and family who they recommend for a plumber. And when you find one you trust, make sure to stick with them. That way, they will be much more likely to make you a priority when you need them to.

HVAC Technician

If your air conditioner or furnace is going to fail, it’s going to be on the hottest or coldest day of the year. Which is exactly when you need them most! Keep track of the health and condition of your HVAC system by having them inspected annually. Keeping this practice will help you be prepared for repairs and replacements and it will help you have a strong working relationship with your HVAC technician so that they always take care of you when you need it most.

A Neighbor You Trust

Your neighbor may not be a professional but having their number can be just as valuable. When you have a neighbor that you trust, you have an extra pair of eyes to look after your home. You have someone to grab the mail or water the plants when you are out of town. And you have someone you can borrow a cup of sugar from. They can also give you recommendations for professionals like the ones we have talked about today. Just remember to return the favor and be a good neighbor in return.

In conclusion, if you have the numbers of these professionals stored in your phone, you won’t have to panic and scramble to find help in the case of an emergency.

Every family is unique which is why we offer a unique building experience here at Tailored by Woodhill. If you are in the market for a home that is built with you in mind, contact us today to learn more about our process!

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