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She Sheds - The Ultimate Backyard Retreat

By Tailored by Woodhill - 10-11-2022

“She Shed”: The Ultimate Backyard Retreat

Have you ever envisioned having your own tranquil space dedicated exclusively to you and your interests? “She sheds” are gaining popularity among modern women looking for their own individualized dwelling. These small spaces are detached from the main house and serve many purposes such as workout studios, art studios, yoga retreats, music studios, gardening, home businesses and much more.

Functional Spaces

She sheds have endless possibilities from cozy spaces to snuggle up with a good book to planned studios dedicated to the arts. These spaces are all about self-care and creating comfortable spaces for women to unwind and take a break from the demands of daily life. In addition to retreat style spaces, many women working from home use these as a way to work undisturbed and without interruptions from the family.

ARCs and Jurisdictions

As the popularity of these tiny spaces grew, local ARCs and jurisdictions started adopting them into their building codes and community guidelines. But it’s always best to check with local government before building to ensure your structure meets all codes.


When designing your new space, start with the primary purpose and build off that concept. If you’re looking for an art studio that needs room for easels or a yoga retreat that needs plenty of floor space, use built-in shelving or open cabinets to keep clutter out of the area. Consider investing in plenty of windows for natural light or paint the front door a bold color to welcome you into your place.

Experienced Builder

Now that you have the vision for your she shed, but who will build it? It’s always best to choose a skilled builder familiar with creating these one-of-kind spaces. At Tailored by Woodhill Homes, we are an experienced custom builder of she sheds and can help you create the perfect space. It’s best to leave it up to the experts since you’ll need electricity, heating/cooling and possibly plumbing.

If you’ve been dreaming of a “She Shed”, contact our team at Tailored by Woodhill Homes to see how we can help make it a reality. Contact us today to start building your dream!

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