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Spring Home Maintenance 101

By Tailored by Woodhill - 5-9-2022

Spring has sprung and with the warmer temperatures come important seasonal home maintenance which will protect and preserve its lifespan. We’ve all heard the term spring cleaning, but spring is an ideal time to also perform preventative maintenance on your house. Follow these simple tips to get started on properly caring for your home this spring.

Roof & Gutters

Inspect your roof for any loose or missing shingles that may have blown off during the brutal winter months. Spring showers bring May flowers, but we don’t want those showers wreaking havoc on our homes. Make sure to wear safety equipment or hire a professional and replace any shingles to prevent leaks. If your home has gutters, look for leaves or sticks and remove them to ensure proper water flow during the rainy season.


Windows are important for regulating the temperature inside our homes. Inspect your windows for shrinking or cracks in the caulk on both the inside and outside and reseal if needed. This will keep the cool air inside during the warmer temps, ultimately saving you on the utility bill. While you’re inspecting your windows, now is the perfect time to give them a thorough cleaning and let more of the sunlight shine in.

Furnace & A/C Units

After heavy use this winter, it’s time to replace the furnace filter. Ideally filters should be replaced every 3 months. As the temperatures start to rise, you want to make sure your A/C unit is ready for peak performance. Make sure to replace air filters too and ensure nothing is blocking the vents and restricting air flow. It’s also ideal to do a yearly cleaning of the home’s A/C unit. Call in a professional to have it serviced or clean the coils yourself using a coil cleaner. It’s important to make sure you turn off the breaker before beginning any work.

Yard & Landscaping

The winter storms leave behind fallen tree branches, pine needles and debris. Take this time to pick up debris in the yard as well as trim trees that may have taken a hit from strong winds. Begin pruning shrubs, but only trim blooming bushes if they have already blossomed for the season. And don’t forget about the lawn. If you want to lay the foundation for a healthy lawn this season, now is the best time to aerate and fertilize your grass. Just make sure to use an ecofriendly or organic fertilizer.

As we all come out of our winter hibernation, we’ll start prepping our homes for the warmer months ahead. If your maintenance list has become unbearable, it may be time to move on to a new low- maintenance home. Contact Tailored by Woodhill Homes today to get started on building a home tailored to your family!

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