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Stay Organized While Packing with These Tips

By Tailored by Woodhill - 11-29-2022

Moving is stressful. It’s exhausting. It’s a big production. And one of the biggest reasons for this is packing. Packing up all the items in your home can be a daunting task but being organized can make it easier and it can make unpacking a breeze. Here are some tips that will help keep you organized for your next big move.

Make a Packing Schedule

Packing can be tricky because there inevitably are things that you will need leading up to your actual move date. That’s why creating a packing schedule can be useful. The last thing you want to do is pack everything away too soon only to find yourself undoing all your hard work in a search for the item you need.

Some of the first things that you can pack away include decor. Pictures, knickknacks, and mirrors can all be packed away first. Personal care items, shampoo, soap, dishes, these things are best left unpacked until the day before your move. Everything in between you can have on a schedule and decide how long you can live without them to decide when to pack them.

Grab Your Packing Supplies

Once you have your schedule ready, you are ready to begin packing. To do that, though, you are going to need packing materials. Boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and packing paper. Before you journey out to the store to get these supplies, ask around if any family or friends have left over materials from their last move. Most people do and they are usually happy to pass them along. Additionally, you can ask your place of work if they have leftover boxes from anything that you can grab. If you still need more packing supplies, your local big box store will have everything you need.

Create a Grouping System

Packing like items together can help you stay organized. Games, books, dishes. Make sure to mark what is inside a box with big, bold letters. This will make it easier to find things later. Some people take it even further by marking boxes with a colored sticker system. Each color indicates generally what’s in a box and what room it needs to go in. For example, you can have a pink sticker that means the box contains kitchen items, or a green sticker for bathroom items. That way you can know where boxes go with just a glance when moving into your new home.

Create an “Open First” Box

One of the most universally frustrating experiences is not being able to find the things you immediately need once you have finally moved into your new home. That’s why making a box labeled “open first” can be extremely helpful. Things that you may want to put in this box can include, phone chargers, toiletries, utensils, and a few plates.​

In conclusion, moving is stressful, but being organized can make the process go as smoothly as possible.

If your move includes central Oregon, let Tailored by Woodhill help you build your dream home. Call us to learn more about our process or get started by browsing our portfolio of past projects!

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